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I’m a Tree in a Story About a Forest.

I just returned from F Squad’s Month 6 Debrief in Nepal and it’s been the smoothest transition home yet!

I know what you’re thinking…

Yes, the jet lag was difficult to get over and I was physically exhausted from 36 hours of travel.

Yes, I was battling a pretty bad head and sinus cold upon my return. 

Yes, I had a mountain of emails to sift through from being out of the office for 2 weeks.

Yes, I miss my squad when I’m not with them and leaving was hard. 🙁

But something was different this time.




As a Squad Mentor, I’m responsible for the stewardship of each World Race participant’s spiritual formation, safety, and experience while on the World Race.


Or am I?


As I met up with the squad in Kathmandu, Nepal, something seemed markedly different from my time with them during their first 2 debriefs back in February and May. 

In the midst of team meetings, squad sessions, individual conversations, worship, times of prayer and reflection of all the Lord has been doing throughout the squad and in the lives of the countless people they have impacted thus far in their travels and ministry, it hit me:




There was a tangible shift in the squad. A shift of perspective, of focus, of ownership.


No longer:

What can I get out of the World Race?  

What do I need?

I don’t know if I can hear from the Lord.



How can I see and serve the people around me?

How can my growth and my gifts impact and bless others?

What is the Lord saying to me in this moment?


I realized the most beautiful truth over the course of my time there:


I’m not needed.


No longer do I need to remind them to “Ask the Lord.”

No longer do I need to reiterate the importance of feedback, or community, or ministry, or team time.

No longer do I need to be the one to facilitate inner healing.

No longer do I need to reinforce the truth of their identity in Jesus.




It’s not about me and what I have to offer any more.

In his book “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years,” Donald Miller describes the perspective we ought to have about the significance of our lives in the greater story that God is writing:

 “He said to me I was a tree in a story about a forest, and that it was arrogant of me to believe any differently. And he told me the story of the forest is better than the story of the tree.”

I’m just a small piece of the much bigger story the Lord is writing in F Squad.

I’m the proud Squad Mentor who now gets to sit back and cheer from the sidelines as each individual on F Squad grabs the baton and runs hard and fast after the Lord, blessing everyone in their path over the next 5 months and 5 remaining countries… and beyond.


Will you cheer with me?


Here are some incredible stories from the squad and how the Lord is moving… Please take a moment to read them. I PROMISE they’re encouraging, motivating, challenging, and well worth the read!

Ice Cream Social in the Leprosy Colony

The eyes of a Hindu woman

“Are you Willing to Suffer for Me?”

What is your rock bottom?

Love is for the bullies

You’re Dirty, But You’re Worthy 

Just some Fathers Day Thoughts



  1. Wisdom, knowledge, and compassion from you from the Lord guided us well on this journey!! Thanks for your love and obedience and for this awesome blog!! Miss you so much already!! 🙂

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